Valuing Intrinsic and Instrumental Preferences for Privacy

Why are privacy preferences contextual? This paper empirically identifies intrinsic and instrumental preferences for privacy as a way to explain privacy’s context dependence. 📚Published: Marketing Science

May 2022 · Tesary Lin

Frontiers: Identity Fragmentation Bias

Cookies have been crumbling long before the hammer of Privacy Sandbox strikes. This is bad for measurement and inference, but not necessarily in the way you expect. 📚 Published: Marketing Science

March 2022 · Tesary Lin, Sanjog Misra

Choice Architecture, Privacy Valuations, and Selection Bias in Consumer Data

Should companies focus on maximizing consent rates when designing their cookie banners? We show that such practice can exacerbate sample bias in certain situations, and propose a better alternative. 📘 R&R: Marketing Science

April 2023 · Tesary Lin, Avner Strulov-Shlain

COPPAcalypse? The YouTube Settlement’s Impact on Kids Content

A COPPA settlement targeting YouTube led to a 13% reduction in YouTube’s made-for-kids content; demand responded by concentrating on popular channels. 📘 R&R: Management Science

March 2024 · Garrett Johnson, Tesary Lin,  James Cooper, Liang Zhong

The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Privacy Regulation for Consumer Marketing: A Marketing Science Institute Report

A joint position paper based on our prior research findings related to privacy and data regulations. 📘 R&R: Marketing Science

May 2024 · Jean-Pierre Dubé, Dirk Bergemann, Mert Demirer, Avi Goldfarb, Garrett Johnson, Anja Lambrecht, Tesary Lin, Anna Tuchman, Catherine Tucker, John Lynch

Data Sharing and Website Competition: The Role of Dark Patterns

We explore whether websites’ usage of dark patterns during consent requests affect their competition for consumer data. 📖 Working paper

July 2024 · Chiara Farronato, Andrey Fradkin, Tesary Lin